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Old 01-23-2006, 08:01 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 146
Originally Posted by mkl
"i disagree, the tip is based on the performance of the entire store, if the cooks do a bad job"

I am in *total* disagreement with that, but maybe things have changed since I or anyone I know has waited tables. How I have seen it work, is the cooks in the back get a full salary. They didn't get cashed out with tips from the wait staff. If your food doesn't taste good, your waiter had *zero* influence on that, and couldn't do anything about if they did. Basically not tipping for poor food, was punishing the waiter for something out of their control. But again, maybe I am out of touch with the way things work.

" like if you dont tip because of a so so performance, they will starve, just means they may only make 15 bucks that hour instead of 20 or 25."

You must have been an awesome server, in a nice restaurant, who had customers who tipped, and tipped well.
I guess it depends on what restaurants. I do not think its fair to say that all wait staff are typically making 20-25$ an hour consistently (That would be $40,000- $50,000). Wait staff I have known were more in the $25,000-$39,000 range, but clearly this is going to depending on the type of restaurant. During peak hours, sure you might make $25 an hour or more. Then you have all those hours in the morning and other times where maybe no one is in your section for an hour. Then you have a ton of people who don't tip at all. It throws the average off *real* quick.

So yeah, if you work in a nicer restaurant, get to work all the weekend shifts, can avoid the customers who don't tip, and avoid all the slow shifts, I am sure you are doing great as a waiter.
Yeah I think it does depend more on the restaurant. If it's nice and fancy (think Masa or Per Se) then you will expect to get tipped more. But then again, the whole eating experience at a place like Masa is completely different than what we usually do.
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