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Old 01-23-2006, 03:18 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Location: SoSco, AZ
Posts: 11
Angry Hori (get over yourself)

I think this needs to be said because it was pissing me off the entire time I was listening to the show. I don't know how this girls head even fit in the door to get into your house. I know she's keith/chemda's friend, but what the fuck? She said she was an actress about 47,000 times...great, you're an "actress" in New York, I get it, you were in a movie, awesome, you have boobs, great. I don't give a shit how hot she is, I can't see her through my car radio...all she did was tell shitty stories about Johnny Knoxville hitting on her, or how she is the fucking hippest thing to ever come to New York, which reminds me: If you are so "indy" that you won't even get a coffee at Starbucks, why are you trying to "make it" in the most corporate industry there is? Give me a fucking break, get over yourself, let Keith and Chemda do the talking on the show. She was the worst and you can't throw a rock without hitting 10 girls just like her out here in AZ. The guy had some funny things to say and at least knew when to shut it. In conclusion, please refrain from having egomaniac "actresses" on the show. P.S. she is pretty hot.
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