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Old 01-24-2006, 09:39 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by perclissigi
Also being a Londoner I can say that I nearly always tip 10%, and if i'm having a night out and i'm not broke, when i get a big round of drinks in i'll usually say "oh, and get one for yourself too". Although i did get stung once when some asshole bought himself a jug of coctail for like a tenner.
I served on a resort for a while and quickly learned why the other servers would give up a table of europeans as fast as a black table (serving makes you prejudice, btw). I like Europeans, but they tip like the elderly, and it's frustrating to explain to them why their children can't drink alchohol at the table.

That said, I think we've all been in tight financial straits and can't afford to tip like we would like to. In that situation I usually try to make sure I'm an easy and friendly table for a server. Having an easy table is like an oasis on a busy night, and can mean as much as a good tip.
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