Thread: 667: Bugger!
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Old 02-13-2008, 12:38 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Grapist View Post
Hillary has once again shown that she cannot make a logical, reasonable decision without letting her emotions get in her way. Thus more strongly reinforcing my utter disdain for her as a politician.
You had me till the end ...

First, what is this "logical, reasonable decision" that was blocked by her emotions? From the point of view of trying to win a literally, dreadfully fierce political campaign, it is perfectly logical to make noise and try to get yourself air time -- especially when your opponent is having it (air time) spoon-fed to him because he is the flavor of the day.

Second, correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be implying that emotions should be off-limits for politicians. But emotions are driving the whole process! For example, Obama is stoking the fires of emotion. Hope! Change! Obama's whole campaign is based on emotions.

And yet, to be taken seriously, Hillary must behave like a robot? Ironically, her social conservative opponents would probably take the opposite tack: Hillary, that cold-hearted, emotionless bitch ... the woman who'd rather be a man, who isn't all pink and warm and fuzzy like a good woman should be.

Sheesh, talk about your rock and your hard place.
After your audience gave me the pictures of the whales, it really ruined it for me in my mind. Like, I can't tell it anymore because I seen a whale penis. -Deuce Deuce
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