Thread: 667: Bugger!
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Old 02-13-2008, 02:15 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
Why pick on the easiest target? Because it's the most disgusting. Obama's the iPod now? We have to root for the underdog? It's too easy if we like what other people seem to like? We like him better for a reason.

Tell me the disgusting things Obama's doing. Let me know how McCain's getting people fired for criticizing him. Preferably in .mp3 form please.

It's her job to fire someone if that's what it takes to get attention? Disgusting.

And yes I'm lumping you and germuhknee together. Both you women appall me.

Black Power!
^5 and applause. Exactly.

Why do I dislike Hillary? First and foremost is her campaign tactics. Obama's exposed himself enough now that there should be plenty to attack. Instead she continues swiftboating him to death. You know why? Because she can't find anything REAL to attack him on. What does Obama do? Shakes his head and keeps talking about why one should vote for him as President instead of attacking back and focusing on why voters SHOULDN'T vote for Hillary.

She's spending all her campaign money talking about Obama. That's smart campaigning? He talks about his plans and ideas. She talks about his plans and ideas. No one's talking about her plans and ideas. Guess who's gonna lose?

These also helped to convince me:

Lawrence Lessig Video (transcript here)
Frank Rich Op-Ed article

And let's not get into Vincent Foster. well, unless Obama wins and shortly after "commits suicide" and is found in a park.
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