Thread: 667: Bugger!
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Old 02-14-2008, 03:35 PM   #64 (permalink)
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Location: Southern Ontario (Canada)
Posts: 68
Both sides of this argument are legit and the fact that you're passionate about it speaks to your social/political awareness. Unfortunately, isn't the debate moot? Ideally, of course we want only educated votes to be cast, but there's no fair or economic way to determine that. Part of the anonymous/private voting process is not to descriminate votes (initially not to be persecuted for your views) but it will unfortunately protect the ignorant, and there WILL be someone out there to defend the right of the ignorant.

Should votes be privelages rather than rights of citizens, like driving? You have to show certain competency before voting? It might sound like a decent idea but its not practical.

Ultimately apathy is the only control we have. People who don't care that much won't vote and certainly won't go looking to be informed. Those who do care but don't vote have the right to spoil their ballet or not vote. The debate here is about those who care enough to vote, but not enough to be educated. Then you start debating how educated do you have to be blah blah.

I think Keith wants to see these people on 'Moment of Truth'.

They'll admit to having an affair but won't answer if they really think their vote should count.
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