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Old 07-24-2008, 10:46 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 265
Just last April (08) I was having a glass or 2 of wine on my balcony with a friend of mine. My friend went inside to use the phone.

I got up to use the bathroom and when I did i accidently kicked the table that the wine glass was on. Which cause the wine glass to tip over and fall.

With in just a moment I went to catch the wine glass. As I did the bottom stem of it was on the ground, I was in mid catch when I slipped. I get up put the glass part on the table. Looked down and there was the whole bottom of the wine glass sticking out of my jeans. I pulled the stem out, which went through my jeans, and blood started gushing. I look down and the bottom part of my jeans were all blood.

I go into the bathroom, wash it out and put a towel on it. Once I had the nerve i looked to see the damage. NOT GOOD.

Any way i put some gauze and tape on it. Went back to the balcony, had another drink or 2 and went to bed. Never went to the dr. or anything but probably should have. It was about a 1" puncture wound right in the meaty part or you calf. eww

It is a great scar, I tell people i was shot.
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