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Old 07-01-2010, 09:01 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Yeah, I loved Jesse's bit, but it really felt like he lost the audience with his long joke. Too bad, cause he is a funny, funny guy. And did anyone else notice the lack of "like"s in his speech? That's why Jesse lost, that wasn't the really Jesse! It was an imposter!

Ryan Hamilton was so hilarious and I'm so shocked that the girl was chosen instead of him. It's probably because the chick judge couldn't get into his jokes. C'mon, he was in a banana pose, falling towards to the earth with a guy strapped to his back and talking to his contacts. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

And, of course, Myq was awesome. Was so happy he was on first, it was a great way for the show to start. And yeah, I caught that "this audience is dumb" crack that the judge said. I hope you keep performing to smart audiences. GO MYQ!
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