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Old 06-19-2011, 01:13 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Yeah Huggie ... you're sounding pretty ignorant.

You should probably look into the concept of transgender before assuming you understand it because you are viewing it from your limited perspective.

I think you're mixing up sex and gender. They are very different. . Sex is your genitals & chromosomes. We can't change those. However, The concept of gender is fluid and largely defined by culture. Yes, Lauren may have female genitalia and she may want to reproduce however, that has very little to do with how she understands her gender or finds herself on the male or female spectrum (it is a spectrum, not black and while as you seem to think).

We are not born with gender, it is prescribed to us by society. Think about it, cavemen and women and weren't like 'i like blue! and trucks and sports' because those things didn't exist. These are concepts used to define gender, and categorize people. Therefore how you define yourself as per masculinity and femininity is largely dependent on your brain and how you feel comfortable and what type of things you identify with.

There isn't anything wrong with her, or her brain, if anything she has an extra awesome brain because it knows exactly who she is even though society is telling her that is wrong and against the norm.

I highly suggest you educate yourself.
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