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Old 07-04-2011, 03:26 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by poingjam View Post
I'm uncomfortable with a manipulative approach to socializing, romantic or otherwise. It makes me feel like a liar and it turns fun into work. But being myself and not putting on a show only gets me laid every couple of years, so I can't argue with the manipulative pricks.

There is a third way. Some men are just naturally appealing. They don't have to be the best looking guys, but they have an innate charm and women fall for them all the time. My dad is like that. The problem is that you're kinda born with it or not. You can't fake it, and there's not much you can do to become it. It helps if you're a classy foreigner.
They're called naturals, just ape what they do and most people will see some success. Break down why everything they do works and then make those things fit your personality and style and you'll have just as many if not more sexual opportunity as them.

I had to take lessons to learn how to drive, someone had to teach me how to play chess hell we have to learn how to use the "potty." But dating, that's the one place where we can't apply rules and have to learn how to become better on our own? I don't get it.

Maybe someone can break it down mathematically for me.
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