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Old 07-08-2011, 09:39 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 93
Considering Keith is so gun-ho for the troops and the war on drugs it seems rather ironic that he has such a problem with the government spending money on space travel. Both cost more annually than NASA and are arguably less effective. Especially considering that if we survive as a species long enough space travel will eventually become a necessity and early preparations and testing are imperative if we are to increase our odds of survival. Personally I am glad they are retiring the space shuttle but that is only because it is outdated technology not because of inherent flaws in the idea of government funded space travel. I will concede that NASA doesn't yield as much results as some of its competitors dollar for dollar, and that is unfortunate. But to damn its intentions because of an oversimplified perspective is irrational and irresponsible. That would be like people discrediting the research of quantum physics early on because it is an intensely complicated field that yielded little answers meanwhile fast forward a decade or two and it has given us cell phones and other technological advances that we all take for granted. I am not going to pretend I am an expert cosmologist and understand the inner workings of NASA, but to put this on the chopping block over other clearly ineffective and grossly expensive endeavors that our government oversees is rather silly.
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