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Old 03-14-2012, 08:34 AM   #22 (permalink)
Eightball's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 96
Semper Fi Off the Top Please

So when I walk into my barber's "booth", there are at least two defense implements within reach. I think the baseball bat with splinters or the rusty ball peen hammer are my favorites (he rotates the other death weapons at whim). I have asked him before, what the particular purpose of those tools happens to be, and he replied "for when I need to defend my-self".

My barber served in the Marine Corps. He has pictures all over the place. I never asked him which theater he served in, but he goes silent/still for a couple of seconds at the mention of the word "Marine". This makes military conversation difficult, and risky. One due to the various weapons strewn all over the place, and two due to the fact that he has a full length barber's razor to my neck for half the experience. Not an opportune moment to trigger a flashback.

With that said, he is one of the nicest, and genuine, people I know. I have never felt like I am about to be in a fight at his place. However, if a fight does erupt I'm sure it will be someone stranger against my-self and my barber.

Remember to say thank you to a service person today.

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