Thread: 1554: God Damn
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Old 03-16-2012, 02:37 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Forgetting that being Jewish doesn't change your race. It's about as racist as if magnum made a commercial with a cheesy rap song about gigantic black cocks, which is not that racist. Just because it is less flattering to have a big nose than it would be to have a big cock doesn't make it any more or less racist. Fact is people who descended from certain areas of the world have physical traits that set them apart from others and marketing your product based on that is a wise business decision if well executed (just look at BET). He didnt call anyone a "hook-nosed jew" just that people who are from that particular part of the world can have large noses and he can slim yours up for a nominal fee. What is wrong with marketing hair straighteners to black people or sun block to whitey, nothing. My only problem is that it was just a shit commercial that wasn't nearly as funny as it was trying to be. I felt the same way about Jesse's interpretation of different languages as single repeating syllables. It wasn't that funny but simply commenting on tonal cues that exist in language is hardly offensive.
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