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Old 03-22-2012, 06:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 93
Both the pastor and the overwhelming ignorance in Tennessee are both very troubling. This just reaffirms my decision to be an aggressive atheist. We live in one of the most religious first world counties in the world so obviously all the years we spent coddling the irrational beliefs of the masses hasn't helped. Atheists should shout their message as loud as they can because every other team in the league is doing it and it's the only way people pay attention. Some will never be converted by a billboard but we must keep the discussions going for the good of our youth. The recent overwhelming victory in Tennessee for the creationists is case in point that we need to get just as mad as they do. Fact is I am just as infuriated as these cretins are, that whole state is going to have yet another generation of poisoned minds. The students get brainwashed enough at home, around town, and at church. The one area where students brain should be safe from fraudulent information is being infected by the opium of the masses. We are risking the very future of our species by not coming to a collective consensus that god is not going to help us so we need to do everything in our power to get our shit together world wide. Everything is on the line and I don't intend to lose it just because people are afraid of the dark.
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