Thread: 31: Trippin'
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Old 08-28-2012, 07:35 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dean from Australia View Post
I just woulda liked to have heard a harder - more informed - opposing view point to balance the discussion out more. I can accept that most of the time, casual drug use has no consequences. But with any substance, there are risks and when the shit hits the fan, others have to pick up the pieces.
I understand what you're saying. And we did talk about the worst of our experiences. They just weren't near as horrible as what you experienced, and I don't really know anyone who's had such an extreme reaction.

With mushrooms, most of the time even if you take too much, you just end up in a bad place yourself, but clearly there are people whose particular chemistry or experiences lend themselves to ending up in a bad place for other people as well.

We did discuss that you shouldn't do too much, and that you should know yourself and your capacities and limitations as much as possible before trying something like mushrooms (and you can wade into the pool, and I always recommend that, trying less than the average dosage at first, just so you can see how you feel).

With the situation you brought up, you seem to imply that this person had done a substantial amount, more than they should have, obviously, in addition to this person's chemistry being what it was.

I do still stand by the fact that it is anomalous (which I understand doesn't take away what happened to you), if you handle the substance reasonably, especially as compared to the violence and accidents and fights and car wrecks that regularly ensue from regular alcohol use.

Yes, someone can go nuts on mushrooms, or on marijuana, but I honestly think those are the exceptions due to the individual's makeup, coupled with doing too much, which I always caution against.

In conclusion, I'm not a scientist, I'm only a guy who's had certain experiences, who's listened to other people experiences, and who's read all the things that I have read on the subject (including stuff written by scientists), and I came to the conclusion that for the most part, mushrooms are one of the safest drugs.

Of course, there are no guarantees. Just like there are no guarantees that a sober person won't go crazy. In any event, I am again sincerely very sorry for what you experienced, but glad that you shared it here.
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