Thread: 1: Test Pilot
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Old 08-31-2012, 12:11 AM   #19 (permalink)
24-hour Marathon 2018 Fundraiser Backer24-hour Marathon 2017 Fundraiser Backer47-hour Marathon 2016 Kickstarter Backer57-hour Marathon 2015 Kickstarter Backer38-hour Marathon 2014 Kickstarter Backer54-hour Marathon 2013 Kickstarter Backer
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 567
"Why am I getting more content? I'm content with the content already available. Stop adding extra value that I may or may not want to listen to to my paid subscription."

Are you fuckin serious?

Make 70 spin-offs, why not? If the main show, WMN and MNIK are not affected by these other shows then why not have them? They are there if you want them. I'm sure Keith and Chemda wouldn't be adding more spin-offs if they couldn't handle the extra workload.
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