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Old 09-09-2012, 09:47 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Toronto, Canada
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There was also a section on the nutritional value of what he was eating (which was very low, obviously). It wasn't just about how high in calories the food at McDonald's is, it was also trying to point out how low in nutritional value the food is.

Anyway, my point from the beginning is that docs can't make you "believe anything" as long as you use critical thinking when watching (which you should be anyway). It's like Reality TV. They can't just make shit up, but yes, they can warp things. You have to interpret any information you get from film.

Sexy Mike won't like these suggestions, but some good British documentary filmmakers are Nick Broomfield and Louis Theroux. They put themselves directly into their films and interact with their subjects. Broomfield tends to focus on individual people stories, where as Theroux generally goes more thematic documentaries.
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