Thread: 6: The Hound
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Old 10-04-2012, 10:01 AM   #9 (permalink)
Earl Dukes
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: St. Augustine, FL
Posts: 457
Originally Posted by Enunciated Piffle View Post
MNIK questions make make Marc Maron's look frivolous and sound like 'How's the weather?"
That's true, but they're coming from different perspectives. They're both as good in their own right. Marc is usually trying to learn about his guests and reveal some nugget of information. He doesn't know his guests as personally as Keith does, or at least his audience doesn't. We've heard Myka as well as Keith's feelings about Myka many times before, so there is room to squeeze through to the deep stuff. Also, Marc's guests aren't drunk, lol. They wouldn't respond as well to deep questions because they aren't as close to the host and they aren't as drunk. Part one was Keith's best Marc Maron impression, and a lot of people were already raving about how great he was. Part two was the next-level shit that took a few years and a few beers to get to. I know it was Jäger, but beer rhymed. Comparing Keith to Marc is like Pokémon. It's like a level1 versus a level1 (Marc) and a level99 vs a level99 (Keith). It's the same level of difficulty. 99's are more epic, but you gotta put time into getting to that point.
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