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Old 08-06-2013, 07:21 PM   #5 (permalink)
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My worst moment is a continuation from last Friday when I broke out in fucking hives due to a drug allergy (severe hives so bad I've been scaring people with the pictures). Had to go to urgent care on Saturday where they gave me steroids which surprise!!! jacks my blood sugars up into the 300-400s and in order to control that I have to reduce my carb intake to under 25 grams while trying to work as a social worker for older adults with mental illness, some with co-occuring substance usage aka really bad to try and deal with when I'm raging on the 'roids, dealing constant sugar shits and death farts.

Best part of this week is my boss saying, hey crazy person, go home for the next few days, no worries, until you get control of your body. Also when I released a death fart in the face of an annoying child that kept ramming her mom's cart into my hive infested legs today.

All my bitching aside, great episode. Really cheered me up-felt nice to laugh during this ridiculousness.
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