Thread: 1860: Dyesxlia
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Old 10-18-2013, 08:58 AM   #7 (permalink)
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 14
I loved this episode! Being dyslexic is a difficult struggle. It was an odd relief to hear that someone else has to go through the same issues that I do. Even though there are a ton of people with this issue, I am not often exposed to other dyslexics in my daily life, as well as have people understand the odd aspects of my reality.
I do have the smaller issues in which I will switch b, d, p, and q with each other as well as f, t, and l. My main problem is that I will attempt to write words or a sentence, but I end up writing a completely different sentence than I intended. This really sucks due to that I work in an office sending emails.
Recently, I thought I wrote in an email, “Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.” What I actually wrote was, “I am going to get tacos for lunch so join me if you want.” I read it several times to check what I wrote. I had no idea it was not what I wanted to send, but I did not become aware of the actual sentence until pointed out to me by a coworker.
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