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Old 10-21-2013, 05:15 PM   #8 (permalink)
Edward's Screen Name
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 153
I'm with J-L. You women need to get this birth control thing on lock down. If not for yourself, do it for the betterment of your gender.

Yes, if your concern is getting pregnant, you need to be the one who's responsible by either getting on some form of birth control or making sure your sexual partner is using birth control. Real women have fought too hard for sexual independence for some of you ladies to just throw it away by saying it's the man's responsibility.

You know what happens when you say it's the man's responsibility to prevent you from getting pregnant? You're basically telling me that it's OK, as a man, to claim ownership of your vagina because you can't be bothered. This is what male Congressional Republicans believe every time they vote to remove funding from Planned Parenthood. When real feminists get to the microphone and tell Republicans that they can't decide what's right for women, the politicians are thinking the opposite: that it's there job to legislate the vagina.

Don't give them the satisfaction.

Don't ever let a man decide when birth control is necessary or not. Don't ever let a man think he's responsible for birth control. It's your vagina, ladies, own it!

Who's with me!?

Also, I gave Louis C.K. a B, based purely on his standup. His show gets an A.

Last edited by Edward's Screen Name; 10-21-2013 at 05:19 PM.
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