Feedback page location, landscape view and highlighting the forums
Hey Michael,
App is fantastic. Here's a couple ideas I have;
* Feedback page remembers your details (name, location)
* Landscape view - maybe for the LIVE tab you could fit the Feedback page on there so its not a separate page.
* Make the comments/forums info more prominent so that newer people are drawn to it; "Comments & Discussions" is clear to me, a long time listener, but someone who is new to the community and maybe only uses the app might not know what this is. Maybe you could show the number of comments/likes for the episode showing or what the poll is for the episode.
* Speaking of the poll, maybe we could be logged into our forums name and be able to participate on the polls from the app.
I'm sure this is all just a tickbox you have to check...
R.I.P. Rhian - fuck da ghetto!