Thread: 1970: The Boxer
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Old 05-02-2014, 07:59 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 13
Not THAT bad for Marvel

Because I'm a total geek about Superheroes, I wanted to comment and say the Spider-Man movies aren't costing Marvel/Disney any money, but Sony. And the X-Men movies are earning 20th Century Fox money, not Marvel/Disney.

Because I like to argue, I could also argue the other way, that a shitty Spider-Man or X-Movie means less people buy the comic books, and THAT costs Marvel/Disney money...

But I REALLY like to argue, and so I'm gonna say it's not costing Marvel money, because last year the whole comic book industry (Marvel, DC, and all the other superheroes added up) made about 400 million dollars, and Captain America 2 has made, so far more than 550 million dollars by itself.

And because I am a human being, I wanted to acknowledge that I missed the entire point of the bit in the show, and I agree that the recent Spider-Man 2 movie was not good, and rape is bad.
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