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Old 05-29-2014, 10:49 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Chemda has said on multiple occasions about how Nick Swardson was rude to her and said something akin to "I don't have to be nice to you because you are a girl and I'm gay." I'm not sure why, not being sexually attracted to someone is automatically permission to be mean, but whatever. There was even an episode where Micha Fox said "every comedian knows Nick Swardson is gay, I didn't even know that was suppose to be a secret."

In The Big Bang Theory Jim Parsons' character isn't gay but does play a virgin in his 30's, the premiss being that his mind is so brilliant that sex isn't even a consideration to him. A lot of fans think he is somewhere on the autism spectrum. I was surprised when I learned that the actor was gay, however.

The shootings... He was a spoiled rich kid that didn't get his way. It's not about guns and it's not about women's rights, he was a dude that had a psychotic break. He killed his male roommates and one of their male friends, without a gun, because they disgusted him. He was disgusted that a "black boy" hooked up with a "blonde white girl" because he sees blacks as inferior. So on the list is women, black's and Asian "nerds". Even though he himself was half Asian. #YESTOEVERYONEWHOISNTTHISGUY.

As for Patrice... YIKES.
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