Thread: 69: My Buddy
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Old 07-27-2014, 11:11 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Hey Brolo, from one S(mooth)-cat to another, thank you very much for gifting J Canines VIP so that it could then be gifted to me. I've been enjoying your show.

I thought your rant on your buddy was pretty funny. "He's a loud talker, but I'm not being judgmental! He's overweight, but I'm not being judgmental! He doesn't have a job, but I'm not being judgmental!"

I did MDMA for the first time a couple months ago and it was an incredible experience. I pretty much had to drink liquids non-stop, because it's true that you get very dehydrated. I have also heard you should only do it about once a season to avoid any long term negative side effects, so I'm keeping that in mind for the future.

By the way I have a friend who's a loud talker, and he's a great guy but I can't be around him too long because he gives me a headache. I've tried telling him to lower his voice before but I just feel like an asshole and I doubt he can change at this point in his life.
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