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Old 12-10-2014, 11:46 AM   #6 (permalink)
Sorin Markov
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Posts: 153
I have 3 alarms set on my phone for the morning to get me out of bed. I chose three songs that the beginning of the songs get progressively louder.

6:30 "15 more minutes" song: Alejandro by lady GaGa
6:45 "get up now" song: like a virgin live 2006 concert version by Madonna
7:50 "your late!!" song: vogue by madonna 2012 live concert version (which starts with a gong)

Then I download the newest katg show on the app and listen to it till 7 when the next alarm prompts me to get out of the shower. And then resume listening. Haha! Side note: I'm so glad you changed how shows are released, it makes the mornings much easier to deal with.

Part of being A.D.D. As an adult and not being medicated is developing some sort of OCD. It's not that the world will end but I have to do the same thing the same way each day to ensure I don't forget anything, wallet, keys, phone, diabetic supplies, etc. I live by the clock and I have my days planned out pretty much by the minute. If there is a sudden change of plans or my plans get thrown off I get agitated and grumpy. I usually plan for a day or two in advance.
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