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Old 05-22-2017, 09:39 AM   #94 (permalink)
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My kid will play football- probably

If my son (now only 5 months old) wants to play tackle football I will let him play. Mind you I have no expectations or need for him to go pro earn a scholarship etc.

I played football and I turned out fine. Yes I got my bell rung and other injuries. It's ok. As long as the kid has some interest and you take the time to guide him as the parent (bcs that's your job). If the coach or the league is too aggressive you can pull your kid out.

Football and other athletics help teach young boys cooperation, team work, how to fight back, stick up for your friend and stand up for yourself among others. The world is tough, and in this life you need to learn how to walk it off, suck it up, and yes even stop crying.

I plan on sending this kid to art classes as well as football practice. My personal experience with pee wee football was both good and bad. To be honest I was a kid who needed a helmet and pads. They were put to use well beyond football.

It's not a happy go lucky world where everyone gets along. A little adversity is good for him. Playing football is not going to turn him into a predator or misogynists. There is a risk for major injury but slight ridk. Again I believe that depends more on the league and coaches.

I'm not recommending you push your kid into football, I'll allow but not push my own child. I also do not plan on pacifying him from every little thing which may cause him pain. What's worse a knee injury or being scared to walk barefoot in the grass. Or god forbid touch a peanut?
have one good eye and the other is JUST OK.

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