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Old 06-01-2017, 07:53 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by seamus View Post
Andrea specifically mentioned confronting Danny about the behavior that bothered her before he left. The behavior regarding him training her and him stating he hopes she fails. By the way, he made it pretty clear on the shows before he left that he hoped she would fail at the position.

I would say that would count as a direct addressing of her grievances.
guess what. she didn't. she never confronted him about the behavior regarding him training her and his "hopes for her". that was a literal fabrication. in fact there are two lies here. 1. she never confronted him. 2. he never told her he hoped she'd fail, and he never genuinely desired as much. that is a false fucking narrative that her brain has settled on.

ok, gloves off.

first off, I was around for the last couple days of him training her and she did nothing but repeatedly thank him for his time and effort training her. he repeatedly asked if she felt ready and she said yes. after he moved, she texted him on a handful of occasions asking for additional technical and emotional support related to the work. he was nothing but helpful. i have read the text exchanges. not only that, on a couple of occasions she wrote to him to do some bemoaning of the job and her surprise at how much more work it was than she expected. she literally told him "you warned me"

shall we address the "negative attitude" about the job and the origin of this "hoping for failure" narrative? before Andrea took the job she asked Danny if he thought she should take it. as a friend, he was honest with her. he spoke to her candidly, and in confidence. he expressed his genuine reservations and qualms with the work and the environment. he conveyed above all else, that it would be more work than expected. he wanted her to know what she was getting herself into, because he FUCKING CARED ABOUT HER. he may not have told her every last gory detail, out of respect to K&C, but he gave her enough.

On this episode Andrea complained that Danny was being really negative about the job (re: warning her) and that she didn't want to hear something negative about this thing that she was really excited about. she suggested he was being shitty for not being more supportive and positive. well tough titties, honesty is the fucking policy with real friends about real life shit. she needed to know what she was signing on for. she literally asked for his opinion, he didn't just offer it up unsolicited. why ask his opinion? why want him to lie/mislead? wouldn't she have been more upset if she started working and then it turned out to be more than she thought she was signing on for?

Guess what else. in one of her post-transition texts to him she literally told him it was much more work than she thought she was signing on for, that she didn't know if she could keep doing it. in another text she asked him for advice on what to do when K was being mean to her. perhaps danny wasn't clear enough in his warning? perhaps he should have been more negative?

So where did this "hoping for failure" narrative come from? well andrea didn't exactly take danny's warnings super seriously, and danny worried that she would discover her fate the hard way. yes, he was a bit annoyed that she brushed it off (she was probably just trying to be positive minded, not a bad thing). he probably felt like she was assuming, at least to some extent, that danny was just a little bitch about things. so yeah he did joke about what it would be like to see andrea discover the reality the hard way. that it would be a struggle. he knew she was in for a lot and he joked about it. BUT YALL, HE DID NOT SECRETLY HOPE SHE WOULD LEGIT FAIL. He cared about his friend and wanted nothing but the best for her. who do you think danny is? besides, he was genuinely relieved to have someone taking his job so he could leave without feeling like he was leaving K&C in the lurch. that was really important to him. and in spite of wanting that for them, he still tried to deter Andrea, FOR HER OWN GOOD (against his own interest!).

It is beyond the pale to me hearing the way this has been spun, having been privy to their correspondences since he's left (and their last in person interactions), which paint just a completely different picture. I don't know what is happening over there, but I do know that it's a tough environment to work in and the role danny and andrea fill(ed) takes a toll. people will rationalize things for survival, and I have to speculate that's what andrea is doing. but it's now at the expense of danny's reputation.
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