Thread: 2658: The Onion
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Old 06-23-2017, 08:01 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2016
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Posts: 611
"Human first and woman second" makes me feel the same way as "We are all humans" does when people are discussing race.

Yes, we all know that. But these particular kinds of humans are mistreated and when should make it so they don't feel like they have to push their gender to the side in order to not endure negative consequences.

I live in the south so "yall" is used most often. "You guys" is only used ironically. I have heard just plain "guys" used tho.

I refer to anyone I'm talking to as "girl" and "sis". My male friends know that I am aware of their gender. They also may use "man" or "bruh" when talking to me. I know that they know my gender. (I am aware that this is a privilege cause we are all gender conforming)
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