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Old 07-23-2017, 10:09 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Didn't it sound like with LetSayBob's letter that the problem wasn't that he wasn't taking a minute and trying to come from a respectful place. It was that he couldn't manage to express any opinion, no matter how feminist leaning that was slightly different to hers without her blowing up? This is pre-emptively painting the validity of his thoughts by the perceived group privilege instead of him as an individual.

Postmodernism in Feminism asserts that people from an oppressed group will have more to say in that area than people outside that group. Which is where Chemdas 'take a minute' sentiment comes in play. This logic comes from a good place however some people knowingly or unknowingly tend to extend the implementation of this idea to take away individuality of anyone outside the oppressed group and box them in as an 'oppressive other' who can't rightfully contribute as an individual.

Which becomes classist and Marxist unfortunately. Then in turn right-wing people will jump up and down about Feminism being entirely Marxist when in reality it's only one stream of thought in Feminism.

Last edited by Jo_Culprit; 07-24-2017 at 05:46 AM.
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