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Old 10-18-2017, 11:07 PM   #21 (permalink)
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While the soundbite may make him sound more pathetic than horrific, I thought it was important because of two things.
1)His, and others, methodology to threaten to ruin a person in the business if he doesn't get his way.
2) He straight up, literally, ADMITS to sexually assaulting her the day before this conversation and is like "Well I'm just used it."

I have platonically slept in the same bed as male friends.
I know straight friends who have as well. After a night of partying who the fuck wants to sleep on a floor?
I know OF two straight friends that would cuddle though I haven't witnessed it IRL myself. Their relationship is incredibly close and they show physical affection all the time though so it's not a bit leap of imagination.

That said, all those brittish dudes in the survey were fucking gay. Undergrads I believe they were? Fucking insecure kids who still think they have to trick/hunt down women.

But also that survey is trash. What kind of population is that to poll? Go ask some people who have been married/in long term relationships. What hell do those kids know about love at all, let alone comparing love from their bros to romantic love.
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