Thread: 2743: Momentum
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Old 10-27-2017, 05:01 PM   #30 (permalink)
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Eating a moonpie
Posts: 611
Obese people know the health risks of being obese more than anyone.


Cause people are constantly angrily telling them.

However, there isn't a cure for obesity. If their hunger hormone signals are permanently damaged there is no known treatment.

Like I said in the other thread, diets are scientificly proven as ineffective treatment for obesity. They fail over 95% of the time. If any other medical treatment failed that often (and caused the opposite effects as often) as diets do, it would never be suggested.

But because medicine is slower than research and a majority of doctors finished school decades before current research on diet alternatives, they keep prescribing diets.

There is currently no cure for obesity.

Use of willpower is finite and actually causes an increase in calorie intake due to binging.

People are literally shaming people for having a disease with no cure.

Yes, people cheer larger bodied people on. They are constantly bashed for existing. They deserve to love themselves just like everyone else. They deserve confidence just like everyone else. They deserve to feel included and loved and lusted after and heard, just like everyone else.
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