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Old 02-17-2018, 06:25 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 551
Originally Posted by Lanfear View Post
I'm sorry you had a shitty experience with a shitty doctor.

So what were you afraid of with your kid if you don't mind sharing?
Did you vaccinate your kids fully eventually? Are you up on your vaccines yourself now?

All of Mermaids examples of medicine having done horrendous things often to the most vulnerable groups of people are valid and reason for concern and caution but I was talking about run of the mill tested and true everyday vaccinations which I assume is what your kid would have gotten?

As with lots of topics the vaccine panic isn't nearly as big here in Europe as it is over in the US so I am legitimately curious. Because I agree with you that you usually only hear from the nutjobs so I'd love to hear from a reasonable person ;-)
I am so wary of getting into this convo bc everything I see online is very "this side or that side" and, well generally people are horrible. Let me ask this first, because I think it's important:

Is anecdotal evidence (to you) worth considering or not? I think most people take sides on this based on this. Many people have fears based on anecdotal information and many people believe it shouldn't be considered at all because it's not "scientific" or provable within the scientific method or because much anecdotal information lies outside individual studies.
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