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Old 07-02-2018, 06:45 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Whenever I've dated someone with the intention of keeping it casual, I always end up in an area where they like me more than I like them. Then I realized after talking to a bunch of people that, despite what I say, I was acting like a boyfriend even after saying I don't want to be that. In my head I was just acting like a decent person, while staying as honest as possible, but its not that simple. Keith is 100% right there is a muddy middle ground that whenever I try to vocalize it I'm just met with eye rolls and sighs. Even on this show all the stuff that Keith brought up wasn't really addressed but rather explained away, "yes this woman was being manipulative, but that's because..."

Even when listening to the show over the years so many women say that all they want is a casual relationship but then immediately contradict themselves with anecdotes of their recent dating experiences. It's like they are vocalizing how they wish they felt, but not saying how they actually feel.
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