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Old 09-09-2018, 03:17 PM   #13 (permalink)
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What a rollercoaster of an episode! I never imagined we'd go from the innocent topic of pills to messy fetishes.

From top to bottom i guess:

1) yes i would bang a virgin. I don't think it's something to covet or chase but i wouldn't turn down a hot dude I was into if he brought up he never had sex.

2)The guy in the sauna story was cruising. Have neither of you two heard of that before? It seems as part of our sexual history as boys finding/sharing porn in the woods, or girls having to pretend they don't like sex less they come off slutty. In fact, I just remembered that the ex intern who was recently on explained his dad was doing this except in restrooms, not gyms

3)what an incredibly interesting and frustrating interview. Jenna can go into such detail about her perceived faults, and the maybe degrading shit she did in every aspect about her "relationship"with this guy, but giving a clear, gosh darned response on what the hell she did sexually is impossible for her. I was pulling my hair out every time she said "hooked up" and moved several minutes forward in time like it was all clear.

I wish we could remove hooked up from our vocabulary. Whenever I've hear it it never has the same meaning.
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