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Old 06-22-2020, 04:17 PM   #15 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 41
Originally Posted by DJ Trashy View Post
Still doing VIP catch-up, so way late on this one, but geeze. How did Michael turn into a slightly progressive version of Archie Bunker?
I agree. I like Michael, but I've found him very dismissive in this episode. He did a lot of interrupting when he heard things he disagreed with rather than let her finish her statement, but gets annoyed with Elsa when she does the same to him. He also made things sound simpler then they are. "Oh just go to the library if you don't have internet, or just put up candidates that will enact the law you want", he completely glosses over Elsa's point that there's little good in attempting to utilize a system that is both broken and intentionally set up to make it more difficult to get ahead in every way. Listening to Elsa, I hear the same sentiment that I heard in the clip of Kimberly Jones at the end of ep #3279.

To hear this conversation four years after it was had, a month after the murder of George Floyd... I can't come up with a good way to describe it other than this would be a very good episode to revisit given the current protests here and around the world.
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