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Old 07-22-2020, 09:35 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jessica332 View Post
The highlight of my drive to work in the morning is listening to Keith and the Girl or one of the VIP shows. That being said I recently had a Bianca moment where instead of being my break from the world the show was making me angry, sad and feel all different kinds of emotions. I am working with young children so this was definitely not a good way to start my day. I took a break from the show which also made me sad because I never miss a show. I get covering the big issues but the shows felt angry and had no comic relief. When the BLM and COVID are all you hear about on the news, what everyone is talking about at work, and all that is on Facebook and the other social media outlets it became too much. I just couldn’t be yelled at all the way to work or have someone who lives a way different life then me making me feel like what I am experiencing and feeling is wrong. Don’t get me wrong and think I am against BLM and didn’t think it should be covered on the news or on the show. I just needed some relief and when the whole show was just making me feel scared and angry about the state of the world. I had to stop listening for a minute. I go through periods where the whole COVID thing really makes me angry. Like I said I am working and finally back to full time. Full time for me means working 51 1/2 hours a week. When the kids weren’t here we were still working but I only worked 40 hour weeks which was a $300 a paycheck difference. It really hurt me not having that money. I come from a world where my friends and I are poor. For my friends, my son, his girlfriend the world never shutdown. They were working in the stores and restaurants. The ones that did loss their jobs some have not seen a dime of unemployment and are worried about when evictions start up what they are going to do. So some of the views on the show are coming from a place that I don’t think are realistic to most of the world especially the poor population who have been out there working this whole time. Normally things like that can come down to that is your option and this is mine but when you are already having a hard time it just hits you wrong. When someone thinks they are so right with ever option they have and don’t take into account that others have different experiences and views because they aren’t taking into account that there is a different part of the population who is having a different experience with this. There is a part of the population that fear they are not going to fully recover from this for years if at all. I do get obviously that all these things need to be covered. Bianca I love Last Week on Keith and the Girl and don’t feel embarrassed for crying. We have all been there especially right now.
I feel what you’re saying but Keith ranting about people needing to wear masks isn’t the same as coming down on you for having to go to work. He’s talking about people who are not wearing masks or social distancing just for the fuck of it. If anything those people are putting essential workers like you at higher risk right? It just seems like people are conflating Keith’s anger at douchebags sitting in the bar spreading Covid to “own the libs” with this idea Keith is mad at anyone who has even left the house for any reason. Keith leaves the house for work. Keith sees his girlfriend and the kids. I don’t think he is some hard ass unreasonable person on this.

And Keith is always ranting. That’s his default mode. If the world outside is shit and he’s gone from ranting about Me Too to BLM or those who don’t social distance what’s so bad about that? He rants. It’s his love language. So what is it about BLM that makes the rants too hard to listen to?
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