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Old 06-10-2021, 11:10 AM   #9 (permalink)
Apia resurrected
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Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
When I see my former class mates on Facebook they seem more like my parents. No. They seem less open minded than my parents. And less cool. (!!! My parents are not especially cool)
Germany seems like a liberal paradise compared to Poland.
I said goodbye to the church and my parents only said:
Ok, you must know what you are doing. And didn’t even bring it up that I didn’t baptize the kids.
My father admires it secretly.
They never tried to guilt me back to the church. That’s a big, big plus. They even say that they only stay in because they somehow got used to it.

Last edited by Apia resurrected; 06-10-2021 at 11:12 AM.
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