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Old 11-28-2021, 06:21 AM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: The safe haven of Albuquerque, NM
Posts: 69
Originally Posted by Apia resurrected View Post
I think the falling in love is not the problem here, it’s the stying in love and not getting bored by a person?
If Sorry, I don't want it to be that I'm conflating my situation with Newsy's. It's very interesting as an outsider listening and playing armchair psychiatrist that we have a perspective that no amount of paid therapy can achieve just because of the amount of hours we've gotten lucky enough to hear.

But here's my take... So that first stage of "love" I think most people experience. You get giddy, butterflies, ignore red flags... But it eventually goes away as we all expect and what you mentioned in your reply. And then comes the time to invest in a romantic bond. The last time Newsy did that me slogged through it because (I'm putting words into people's mouths here lol) he felt like it was something he "should" do. Work hard enough and things will get easier right? Except he didn't like that. And he mentions often that he doesn't want that part. That's not to try to demean any of his experiences. I hear someone frustrated at this point because he's trying on his best to make something work that won't work for him. The fun thing about the time 2 live in now is that there are now words for all the things and the people who never fit nicely into a box can put a name to it. My guess is that on the spectrum of interpersonal relationships spectrum that he's somewhere within the aromantic spectrum. And at the end of the day I know I'm just a jerk off on a forums.
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