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Old 11-08-2022, 01:28 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Join Date: Sep 2022
Posts: 106
Keith putting the ole Lefty Special in high gear today. Paraphrased:

"I don't trust the vote"

35 seconds later

"Anyone who doesn't trust the vote...that's enough cancel them"

This is directly out of Clinton's playbook. ANYONE who says the voting process was compromised is a "threat to democracy" (literally laying the groundwork legally speaking just like Biden's 'clear and present danger' language) minute later...
the voting process is compromised and nowhere we see a republican win will be fair...they are going to "literally steal this election"...


"I wasn't on the vote registry and they just accepted my ballot" <---that sounds almost like confirmation for a claim that has been widely flagged as dis/mis/mal information despite all the evidence, including your own experience, which interesting enough was absent all this time...odd? What percent of votes do you suspect last time where accepted and counted without the voter being a registered voter? Also wonder how many were registered to nonexistent people at nonexistent residential addresses? The data is available...wonder if we saw a big influx of those types of votes at pivotal points???? I don't know, but it could be investigated rather than just offhandedly laughed off and never looked into (Barr).

Chemda paraphrased:

"I coulda voted 5 times; no one paid attention." <---very odd, hope I misunderstood cuz that is again a felony on Keith's telling his listeners to commit violence due to Halloween guys are getting radical out here.

I get the need to continuously hold directly contradictory views simultaneously is at the core of your ideology but wow, guys, try to at least like spread the contradictions out a bit. Would be less obvious that it just simply doesn't work. Was like an episode or two ago given Corden a bunch of shit for stealing jokes then two seconds later pawning off a stolen joke (no talking about doing it for comedic effect and a wink- that was great). I'll go get the specifics and add in another comment.

NY Rent is too high, lets subsidize it? Who pays for the subsidy? Tax payers? Tax payers are significantly less than 50% of residents so the minority that pays taxes (assuming you guys but who knows) will have to pay your own rents and subsidize others and your landlords (who pay taxes) will have to raise your base rents as well to cover other peoples subsidies. This is a simple economics, I dare even say that because I see just as a simple chain reaction and calling it even basic economics is over-blowing it and making it sound more complicated than it is.

How about 'free' education? I'm kinda stupid...explain how it is free? You mean you pay for others education. Again a small minority is burdened by the majority through taxation which is force. So you guys are really echoing your Democratic leaders here and saying we want to use force, coercion, enslavement and ultimately kill (taking a mans livelihood away through force is tantamount to killing him) those a minority through a Tyrannical State so people don't have to pay the bills they have decided freely to incur?
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