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Scorpion 11-01-2017 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Keith (Post 864250)
You gained an extra 35 pounds trying to lose weight, and became diabetic! Holy cow. Definitely don’t try again. You’re lucky it didn’t even end up worse!

Also, and now’s not the time, why weren’t you listing to all the nutrition experts that WittyReference heard us have on?

I love you Keith, You're the best.

Now don't take the love part too serious, I mean your divorced. So, even if I wasn't straight male I wouldn't date you.
I still don't know am I speinside or speoutside?
Nah, who am I kidding, I'd date you. ...probably...

(Real answer: I find it harder to stay on a healthy diet then you find it not drinking.)

ed: or your show is fattening!

Keith 11-01-2017 02:29 PM

I'm not giving you a hard time. You weren't privileged enough to know better.

Mermaid 11-01-2017 04:24 PM


Didn't work for you the first 50 times!? Try again, maybe it'll work this time!

This time is different, right? It's always different this time around...

Maybe if you develop orthorexia you can actually keep it up!

Mermaid 11-01-2017 05:31 PM

I always encourage people to look into intuitive or mindful eating instead of restricting.

But in order for that to work you have to still have hunger and satiation cues, which a lot of people with eating disorders or a history of binging don't have.

Also. A lot of people are scared to allow themselves to eat whatever they want. They don't think they will ever stop. Some people will come around after you explain the psychological research behind it. But most people are so used to diet culture (oh no another sociological term Keith can misunderstand and then mock) that they reject the idea.

Keith 11-01-2017 06:00 PM

Very healthy, Mermaid.

Oh well, Scorpion. Nothing you can do. I’m sorry about your lack of privilege, but being healthy just wasn’t your role in life. Thanks to Mermaid though, you can now make peace with it.

Mermaid 11-01-2017 06:18 PM

Thinking in black and white really limits one's ability to see outside the box, huh?

Even when the science and thousands of people's personal experiences are outside the box...

Literally posted the science here.

"ive been told this was healthy all my life so I'm going to continue to do it. Even though there is evidence that it can be and most often is detrimental."

Idk.. Sounds like the thought process of one of those smoker dumb dumbs yall were talking about.

Keith 11-01-2017 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Apia (Post 864259)
Scorpion is a white male, so....

Well I certainly don't see how.

Keith 11-01-2017 06:22 PM

That's not what the science is saying.

Mermaid 11-01-2017 06:26 PM

"I don't understand therefore it's not true and it is dumb." - Keith's opinion on everything

Mermaid 11-01-2017 06:38 PM

Apia, finding nutritious versions of your favorite foods is great.

However, you just said you have to watch what foods you keep in the house.


Probably because you would overeat those foods, right?

People who practice intuitive eating can have all their favorite junk foods in their home without that worry. They feel the same way about the cupcakes on the table as they do the apples. So they are better able to pick foods that their body needs without the influence of deprivation signals from the brain. They don't have to live in fear of being exposed to too many "bad" foods because they don't experience those ravenous cravings anymore.

As a result they end up with a more stabilized weight and healthier relationship with food and their body.

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