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Old 01-22-2008, 01:41 AM   #142 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
Oh please spooky. Go ahead and spout your disclaimer. Yes you're right, you do know nothing of the situation, but you still have to go around and try to trash me.
you sound like an immature kid, the way you talked about how you were going to handle it. try and trash you, though? please. i dont have anything against you at all, i thought you were pretty cool, actually. this thread, the crap you talked about doing, it doesnt sound cool, though, it sounded, especially early on, like you were workin hard on getting yourself into trouble. im sorry you think im out to get you because i stopped sugar coating and gave my honest opinion of the situation. honest because ive done similar things, ive seen people do things, its how people just are, its human nature.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
i know people with diabetes and I asked them many questions before i came to any conclusions. Why would i cite a figure if i was purely speculating costs & pricing of insulin? I don't go around pulling figures out of my ass.
type one two or three? some people treat without meds at all. some need something to keep around, just in case they mess up. (looking at the notes i wrote, and comparing to the posts, i wrote the estimated cost, but not that it was specifically for insulin, which makes a difference, so i concede this point)

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
People with needles aren't necessarily junkies. People with needles with brown residue, most likely ARE. Insulin is clear. You can see in the closeup of that pic that there is brown residue, most likely blood and whatever drug mixed with it. Also, WHY would people with needles for a legit reason keep them around after they have been used? Why would they keep them in a box with burnt tin foil, baggies, straws, and other drugs? It's her weed box for godssakes. If you were going to keep other drugs, you'd keep them all in the same place. If you had medicine, you would not keep it there.
im positve they were cooking something up. thats what the foil is for. if you shoot up, you have to cook first, no doctor hands out vials of liquid morphine or any other narcotic. you get it in pill form and break it down, thats what the residue is. im still not convinced its not recreational use, that shes addicted, that shes a junkie. brown residue means nothing more than she had stuff to put in the needle. maybe we are confusing our definitions of junkie, i was assuming you meant addicted, as the actual definition denotes. but if you only mean that she tried it, then i suppose you are right, i dont know if maybe the kids are misusing/changing the meaning of the word. giving you the benefit of the doubt here.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
Who cares what my motives are? All i have said is i do not want this person in my home. This person has violated my personal comfort level, and i do not feel safe or happy living here anymore.
well, fine. i pretty much figured that.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
Questions you have, although i don't feel it necessary to answer them, i will do so for the purpose of entertainment.

1. She has stolen money from my room, food, general household items, and alcohol. yeah, it's not a big deal, but it is nothing that anyone should have to contend with for a roommate situation. Your home should be a safe place. And if it's okay to steal minor things from your roommate on a regular basis, and you are using drugs, when do further lines get crossed?
This is her major defense, well i've taken things, but nothing that's a big deal. Fuck that. You don't know what is a big deal to them. And $10 here, $10 there on a regular basis adds up. It's shit that i don't need to have happen. I am not her mother, i should not need to support her. I don't think it's shit that I should have to put up with, or be expected to put up with, friend or not.
money is one thing, paper towels maybe she doesnt consider it stealing, that was my point. morals, friendships, and how they overlap differently than if you were living with a stranger. sorry you missed it.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
2. I have a plethora of evidence that she does not have diabetes, having "diabetes" is the number one defense of possessing needles for a drug habit. Plus the fact that she has hung out with KNOWN junkies, and brought them into the house.
thats pretty much my assertion as well. i dont think it would hold up to the cops, though.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
3. Nobody said she was stealing to support a drug habit. You obviously have never dealt with junkies before. IF it gets to that point where they are regularly using and cannot support the habit they will stop at nothing. I have known enough people using hard drugs to know that they are not the people i want to trust with open access to my home.
i have, actually, and ive talked about it on the show. i broke up with a girl over it. she was a recreational IV drug user, shooting up morphine. i way overreacted, like you are, out of ignorance. then there was brad vookivich, he was a black tar heroin addict. and boy did he love to talk. about his days in woodenhorse, then out in Cali, and then back, workin the handlebar(which he burned down). so, im sorry, im speaking from experience. you dont know, or at least what you have shown here doesnt prove youre right. also, i thought you said she was stealing to support her drug habit, but maybe someone else said it when i was writing my notes.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
4. Rye says it is heroin because he knows enough about it and felt comfortable saying that it is definitely a substance abuse situation.
yeah. consider the source.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
5. I have not lived with this person for 10 years, so this is a stupid question. And no, i have never been okay with her taking my things, and have made it clear.
i thought i read you were friends with them for ten years, my bad. i know i shared a lot with friends in grade school and high school. but hey, not everyone has the same values. and you say youve made it clear that its not okay, thats enough, you hadnt said it in the thread, so i couldnt assume you did. your dish soap. your paper towels. your lysol. all that, i get it.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
6. Yes, she has not been able to pay rent, and I told her I would not cover it for her, so she had to get the money through other means. Also, I put up money to move in, so technically she did not pay first months' rent until weeks later. Which i was okay with THEN, because i did not expect her to be using hard drugs or taking advantage of me.
fair enough, thats a red flag for me for sure, and a strike one.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
7. Yes i have always paid rent on time, and i fronted money to move in.
good girl, i bet youre an okay roomie.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
8. i don't know how to answer this question or what exactly you're getting at.

You are twisting the facts to fit your own personal assumptions. The roommate had not written multiple 3-4 page letters based on caring about the relationship. My asking her to stop taking things that don't belong to her was reciprocated with assaults on me personally. If you choose to believe that immature personal attacks and childish knee-jerk reactions to a situation are symptoms of caring about a relationship, then you are mistaken.
well, i think if she tossed them, she wouldnt care. that she took the time says maybe she does. psych 101 is a few years back though. and my notes incorrectly said notes instead of note. so i take back the pluralization of notes, but stand by my point.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
It doesn't matter if i like this person or not. It doesn't matter whether she likes me or not. There are certain agreements you make when you are living with someone, and violating these agreements leads to a very uncomfortable and unhappy situation. Bottom line, i don't feel like someone should treat me shitty and expect me to deal with it, or allow for it.
i didnt realize there were spelled out, agreed upon boundaries beforehand. it wasnt said here, and i know most people dont spell them out like that. im only going off my own experience, and stories ive heard from friends. its led me to believe most people are this way, and its a pretty common reason roomies have issues with eachother, probably the most common. obviously, there has to be people that take the time to spell it out. kudos for being lawyerly.

Originally Posted by jesikat View Post
I know that your sole purpose is to be disagreeable, but you do know nothing about what is going on, and you obviously cannot understand the degree of shittiness that this person is imposing on me. So leave it alone then. Agree to disagree.
youre pretty Rye if you think thats my sole purpose.

i only know what you tell me. i dont disagree with much of what you actually spelled out. i didnt realize you took the time to draw all these lines in your world. yeah, im to a degree playing devils advocate, because nobody else was, and if i was right on even a little, you wind up in shit. which pretty much negates your first point, as well. agree to disagree, i guess.
Originally Posted by thepetek View Post
To be fair, to really follow Spooky's diet, you can't just eat chicken. You have to spend your days cleaning up after a slob roommate and night shivering like a rain soaked rage filled chihuahua about having to clean up after said roommate until you finally snap and yell at him. It should be called the Mexican maid diet.
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