Originally Posted by spooky
i bet you were a steller student.
sorry never had to write ghey essays just did real scool stuff like math, programming, electronic design you know real stuff that matters.
To respond to your dumbass post
1 brown is herion no pill narcotic will cook brown.
2 you cook in a spoon not tinfoil , tinfoil is for chasing weither it be tar or herion
3 you cook to remove the parafin wax which is used as a binder in the pills
4 the cotton you see is torn cigarette filter, its used to filter the cook while drawing it into the needle.
5 you have to be completely retarded to think that there is something as occasional opiate use, you I assume have never done it so dont talk like you have the slightest clue.
7 I have done dilaudes, morephine pill and liquid,oxycotins slow release and , shitty 5mg ones, laratine (nvr cooked),straight up herion , meth,coke and even recooked crack for injection.....and I am still here for a reason. on whatever lvl I was always as carefull as one could be while using.
8 You must be 100% retarded to believe for a second that is not a drug kit
9 baggie corners?cotton?tinfoil?Syringes? jesus......
what a fuckin waste of time this was to post.....
ohh arc stop bein a tool jealousy is not atractive.