Originally Posted by jorjo
oh jeez, I really don't want to do a re-vote on the day, it'll just end up with other people who can't make the new date ...
I guess this is only two weeks away so we need to decide on a time and venue.
I'm keen on the start mid-afternoon and go till you can't stand up anymore idea - I'm thinking like 3-4pm. I have a few new drinks for y'all to try out - I'll have to re-check what's in them, but who can resist a drink with a name like "Pissed off Japanese minnow farmer"?
And we HAVE to be central. Depending on numbers we may even be able to book a small private room in a pub somewhere. IDEAS please 
I'll just have to make it along to the next gathering if i can't make this one. I'll just have to do the next best thing and wear my KATG shirt to the gig. Rock out in style!