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Old 06-17-2008, 06:30 PM   #431 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
If it's true that it is currently impossible for a regular person to challenge a law, my justice would wait until there's a better and easier system in place for the common man to challenge the law like an adult. You may not break the law to challenge it.

I still haven't heard what law you need changed so bad.
Keith, what would be the punishment for a bad cop that exercises the law to suit his/her purposes.

I like the idea, but don't like the idea of humans being involved.. what if robots could make the decision on who would live and who would die if a crime was committed.

... just kidding... but it's not so farfetched that someone would suggest it to take human error out of the equation.

The new justice system could turn into a self professed prophecy of robot domination of the human race.