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Old 08-19-2008, 08:47 PM   #38 (permalink)
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You know I found it insulting to.

I also didnt like how they would sort of assume that the listener is a total fuckhead. Like a few months ago (and this is pretty petty of me i guess) there was a art bit about some painting and curry said to fathead 'dont know if our listeners know about art"

WTF: everyone knows about art, even people who have never seen a painting - art is where you find it, on caves, soil, clothing, weaving etc. Even people with access you museums and exhibitions may not find anything art worthy.

Art is simply a matter of your opinion.

Like people collect things that were once mass produced and were total crap at the time but are now appreciated.

Comic books and vinyl records are two good examples.

Anyway - i hate fat mouth dvorak and the way he EQ's his voice to make it have more bass. LOL he is such a manly man-nerd.

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