At the moment, I have gaming ADD. I skip from my computer, to my Wii, and to my 360. I haven't played anything for my 360 aside from Rockband in over 2 months now, but fuck it's addicting.
The Wii was just recently purchased, The main things I stick to on it are RE4, Smash Brothers, and the Wii Fit. But sometimes if I really have nothing to do, I'll put Cooking Mama in, :3
And then the computer is just a fucking mess. I skip around to WoW, TF2, CSS, hell, I was even so bored a few months ago I restarted my membership to Star Wars: Galaxies. WoW is boring, there's nothing to do. No point to Raid, because in a few more months, all those precious epics you've worked for will be replaced by 74 Greens. That and PvP is over-rated. And then with Shooters, I just get bored so easily, =\. Though, reading the beginning of this thread has made me reinstall STALKER!
I really need to find a new game for my 360 though, I kinda miss playing on it. I was thinking about getting Rainbow Six: Vegas for it, but eh. Anyone have any suggestions?