Originally Posted by brianward81
The old Duke Nukem 3d editor was like that. Really easy to build for - I got one of my levels, a level based on my house, onto a retail map pack disc. Can't wait for some more Duke Nukem multiplayer on XBLA.
That's awesome, nice one. Really looking forward to Duke on the 360.
Originally Posted by skiiXplague
Though, reading the beginning of this thread has made me reinstall STALKER! 
Excellent, are you playing with mods or vanilla?
Originally Posted by serial_x
Gears of War has taken a back seat at the moment, i'm starting to find it increasingly bland. I don't know whether it's the washed out grey colours of the game or the "duck-shoot-reload-repeat" gameplay but Madden '07 has taken over and i'd imagine it's annoying my neighbours with all my "WOOHOO, C'MON". I can't help but react like i'm actually watching a game.
As much as I agree that Gears of War is bland, I do find it funny that you follow up calling a game bland by saying you're playing Madden instead.