Originally Posted by Noahfingway
I was cleaning my windows while getting gas today and out of the corner of my eye I saw this girl punching the crap out of her boyfriend (I'm guessing) while he just put up his arms in front of his face. I have no Idea what the situation was all about but couldn't help thinking about under what conditions I would allow anyone to tee off on me.
I am a pretty big guy and generally don't need to resort to physical violence to solve my problems. (I am willing to in certain situations) I can't imagine hitting a woman. My wife and I have a standing agreement that it is off limits for both of us. But.....if someone was teeing off on me like that I don't know if I could resist.
hit like a man...
get hit like a man.
really, though, i agree. i don't think that i could ever hit a woman.