Originally Posted by Rufio
so assassins creed 2 comes out next year and this time its supposed to be set in feudal japan (rumors, nothing is official yet), i know i bashed the first one but im really hopeful for the sequel, the first one failed in how the game progressed, becoming a chore to play due to the repetitiveness even though the premise for the plot was great. now after a few hours with the new prince of persia im finding that the fighting while pretty to look at has very little depth and fails to evolve as the game progresses making it boring, and its a little too short for my taste. i guess what i want is for ubisoft to finally get the right combination for a game like this i mean after 3 prince of persias, 1 assassins creed and another prince they really have no excuse for dropping the ball again
Hmm, I liked the setting of the first one, I was just hoping they'd put some
game in it this time.